Requesting A Fee Waiver (two step process)Ī waiver of the bus fee is available to families based on the same guidelines used to determine eligibility for free and reduced lunch.

Please select the option for “Qualify for free bus transportation (grades K-6 living over 2 miles from assigned school).” Register at, select the School Department and the drop down option for Bus Transportation. Registration for Grades K-6 who reside more than two (2.0) miles from school Submit payments to Ashland Public Schools at, select the School Department and the drop down option for Bus Transportation. Registration is required for each student. $360 per student or $720 (maximum family cap) for 2 or more students from the same family. Registrations received after the due date may be processed on September 1st, 2023.

$290 per student or $580 (maximum family cap) for 2 or more students in the same family. Late registrations will be placed on a waitlist and offered a seat if one becomes available during the school year. Once bus capacity has been reached, a waitlist will be created. Students will be assigned to a bus once their full and complete application has been received. Due to limited transportation options, all paid seats will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Students in Grades K-6 who live two or fewer miles from school and all students in Grades 7-12 may pay an annual transportation fee if they want to take the bus to and from school. Per Massachusetts General Law, and Ashland School Committee policy, Ashland Public Schools provides free transportation to Ashland students in Grades K-6 who reside more than two (2.0) miles from school.